
What health concerns do you have about trevor based on the

Several weeks ago, the Smith family enrolled their 4-year-old son, Trevor, in your child care center. As Trevor's teacher, you have already observed that Trevor does not like to participate in activities that involve running, climbing, jumping, or more than minimal physical movement. When presented with toys such as a ball or mitt, Trevor seems clumsy and unsure of how to use them, making him reluctant to play with the other children outdoors. Furthermore, Trevor's parents shared with you that his pediatrician noted Trevor's weight is above average for his height. His parents often send him to school with his lunch bag full of snacks such as cheese puffs and sugary drinks. During her initial interview with Trevor's family, Mr. and Mrs. Smith mentioned to you that Trevor spends most of his free time playing handheld video games and watching cartoons. The Smiths said they would like to spend more time with Trevor playing outdoors, but their work schedules make this very challenging.

What health concerns do you have about Trevor based on the information you have about Trevor and his family?

How can you encourage Trevor to participate in more physical activities at the center?

You have an upcoming parent-teacher conference with Trevor's parents. How can you respectfully discuss your concern about the type of snacks he brings to school?

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Other Subject: What health concerns do you have about trevor based on the
Reference No:- TGS01067266

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