Watch the YouTube video "Africa Straight Up" and then write a short essay using the following as a guide:
· List five prejudices that the Western World has toward Africa.
· What have you learnt from author, Chimamanda Adichie?
· What have you learnt about Africa from Professor Warren Adams, who is also a choreographer?
· What inventions and innovations were started by Africans and then adopted by the world, including the US?
· What two negative things did you believe about Africa before watching this video?
· What two new positive facts have you learnt about Africa after watching this video?
. Cohesive clearly written paper
· A paper that provides a detailed clear discussion of Africa based on the video and using the guide above
A 2 page double spaced paper
· A paper with no grammatical errors
· A paper with an introduction, body and conclusion
· A paper that is minimally cohesively written
· Having an unclear discussion of Africa based on the guide.
. Has a few grammatical errors
· Paper is missing introduction or conclusion
· A paper that is not cohesive
· A paper that does not fully follow the given guide.
· Less than 2-pages in length
· Ha grammar mistakes that impede understanding of the paper
· Paper has neither introduction nor conclusion