
What have you learned that may help you be more effective


Self Review of the Process

What did you learn from this process? As part of the Capstone Project, prepare a self-reflection and address each of the following questions:

• What have you learned in this course about how to prepare for a major exam?

• Consider your ethical values and professionalism in preparing for your RHIT exam. Earlier in the course, you were reminded that you will not be allowed to use any resource other than your own brain when you take your actual RHIT exam and you were asked to take your exams in this course without relying on outside resources in order to best prepare yourself for the actual exam. Reflect on how you benefit when you commit to your beliefs and values in personal integrity and professional ethical practices.

• What have you learned that may help you be more effective in the future on your job and in future educational activities? Be sure to provide specific examples from the various projects you completed in order to demonstrate your learning.

• Organize this paper carefully and thoughtfully. This is an important piece and you should clearly address each expectation in this self-review. Write with a professional voice and be aware of your focus and progression of thought as you organize this final statement.

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Dissertation: What have you learned that may help you be more effective
Reference No:- TGS02180007

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