
What have you learned about imposter syndrome

Assignment task:

1. What have you learned about imposter syndrome from the book "Think Again" Chapter 2 ? Do any of the provided perspectives come into conflict with each other?  How are imposter syndrome and confident humility connected? What is your perspective on imposter syndrome--how do you relate to it?

2. Formulate and share at least two questions that the Chapter 2 reading/supplemental resources inspire you to ask. These questions might be the type that can be addressed with research, the type that you might pose to your peers, or the type that you pose to yourself! Then do preliminary research on one question in pursuit of an answer. Please provide the link(s) to your source(s) and share what you've discovered.

Provide a MLA citation when using language from an outside source, including the book/podcast/articles. Direct quotes should be in quotation marks followed by an in text citation. Paraphrases should also provide an in text citation.


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Other Subject: What have you learned about imposter syndrome
Reference No:- TGS03421000

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