
What have you found to be most helpful for you what would

Each 200 words English Compostion Class

1. In this unit, we have focused on revising and editing; understanding expectations; gaining perspective on your writing; ways to outline your paper; the importance of keeping the reader in mind; and how you can best read, process, and respond to feedback. Part of the revision process is sharing with others about what you have experienced. You never know what might help others in their process. Further, sometimes it can help you to better understand and reflect upon your process when you have the opportunity to write it down.

For this unit's reflection, consider the process you have gone through as you revised your paper so far-the introduction and literature review. What have you found to be most helpful for you? What would you share with others about your process? What techniques, tips, and methods have you used to help the process go more smoothly for you? You can also describe methods that were not as helpful to you and what you would like to do in the future that you think might be better.

Keep in mind that the spirit of this writing is to think about ways that you and others might improve your writing process.

American Gorvernment Class

2. Some observers claim that partisanship in Congress has reached a level that is crippling the institution as an effective policymaking body. Party disputes on everything from healthcare to tax policy have produced legislative deadlock and delay. Do you share the view that excessive partisanship is warping the congressional process, or do you think members of Congress should stick to their partisan principles, whatever the consequences?

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Other Subject: What have you found to be most helpful for you what would
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