
What have you done to recruit students into your program


An essential skill for a CTE teacher is recruiting students into courses and pathways. While English and Math are required subjects, CTE courses generally are not.

They will continue to be offered if there is family awareness and student interest. CTE teachers, therefore, need to be strategic in recruiting students.

The Career Technical Education Framework for California Public Schools on page 95 describes several ways to promote CTE programs. The suggestion "Including a CTE teacher presentation in the meeting held by high school counselors for parents of eighth-grade students. The Advance CTE presentation entitled Strategies for Attracting Students to High-Quality CTE Research & Recommendations highlights the messaging that research has shown to be most effective in convincing families and students to value Career Technical Education.

The research is drawn from "Communicating the Value of Promise of CTE with Parents and Students" by Katie Fitzgerald and other ACTE Online resources." list of suggestions for recruiting students into CTE programs listed on page 95 of Career Technical Education Framework for California Public Schools. Start a new thread.

What have you done to recruit students into your program? Show a new strategy.

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