
What have we learned about agile development methods in


In previous modules, the SDLC or Waterfall method was introduced to allow users to be involved in the development process in the early stages of analysis. Once requirements have been gathered, the users were not involved until the system was being tested and installed, and they were asked to sign off on it. The SDLC approach has worked well for large project where development takes the longest time. For medium and small size projects, one approach to the problem of limited user involvement is to evolve the user continuously throughout the entire analysis and design process. This approach works best when development can follow analysis-design-code-test cycle favored by Agile Methodologies. Working in independent modules with users and IT, module development can be accomplished in six weeks or less. The main approaches to system development are eXtreme (XP) programming and Scrum. Agile Methodologies could work in combination with the SDLC if prototypes are used.

The first article in the required readings is very comprehensive explaining Agile methodologies. Please read the definitions and characteristics, except for case studies. The second article is an overview of the most common Agile practices.

Required Readings

Cohen, D, Lindvall, M., & Costa, P. (2004). An Introduction to Agile Methods. Elsevier, Inc. Retrieved from https://www.cs.umd.edu/~mvz/cmsc435-s09/pdf/agile-paper.pdf

VersionOne. (2012). Agile methodologies for software development. Retrieved from https://www.versionone.com/Agile101/Agile-Development-Methodologies-Scrum-Kanban-Lean-XP/

Valacich, J., George, J, & Hoffer, J. (2012). Modern Systems Analysis and Design. Chapter Flashcard sets. Chapter Agile Development #10. [Audio file]. Retrieved from https://quizlet.com/16362860/modern-systems-analysis-design-chapter-11-flash-cards/

What have we learned about Agile development methods in practice? Write this assignment in 2-3 pages.

You will be particularly assessed on:

Your ability to see what the module is all about and to deliver the assignment including 2-3 references.

Your ability to use software techniques and terminology of systems analysis and design correctly and in context.

Your paper submission must be in MS Word format.

APA formatted references and citations a must

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Project Management: What have we learned about agile development methods in
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