
What have i taken for granted about my writing skill how

Reflection Paper:

Throughout the semester students should make time periodically to reflect on their experiences and growth as beginning professional social workers. Reflection is closely linked to the concept of learning from experience.

The course presents an opportunity to think about where students have started out and where they have arrived...what they have learned and accomplished in the course, where they see themselves going in terms of their writing skill and as professional social workers, and how they are experiencing the process of these coming together, overlapping, and merging. They may consider the following questions:

1. In this writing course, what have I learned?

2. What was the one thing that really surprised me about my writing?

3. What do I believe I still need to work on more?

4. What have I taken for granted about my writing skill; how may my perception about how well I write hinder my academic and professional success?

5. What does it mean for me to know that my writing may be my first - and perhaps my only - chance to present myself.

The reflection paper should be 3-5 pages in length, double -spaced, 1" margins, Times Roman, 12 pt. font. Title and reference pages, as well as any appendices (if applicable), are not included in the page count.

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Other Subject: What have i taken for granted about my writing skill how
Reference No:- TGS02384594

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