
What has this group been up to since you began monitoring

Prepare a specific, well-developed report which includes the italicized words below as internal section headings in the report. Underneath each heading, provide the requested information.

Group Identity

What is the full name of the group? What is their URL (website address)?


The textbook's classification of groups is unnecessarily complex. If we agree to classify groups as one of these three types--private interest (including labor), public interest (including environmental interests), or single issue-- which type is your group? Why? According to the textbook, "one group's concerns and interests are often at odds with those of another group." What groups (or kinds of groups) would be at odds with your group? What kind of group would likely oppose your group's agenda--privately if not publicly?


What has this group been up to since you began monitoring them? What types of lobbying efforts described in the chapter (lobbying, electioneering, litigation, going public) are being made? Is the group targeting a specific person, group or governmental organization with its efforts? If yes, who and why?


Describe the basic features of the homepage. In what categories is information presented? Are there any restricted access areas (requiring passwords or registration)? Which features of the site do you find most interesting? Explain. Which features do you think members would find most interesting? Explain.

Have you noticed changes in the homepage in the weeks you have been monitoring this site? If yes, what are some specific changes you have noted? How often does the site appear to be updated? Which sections of the site are updated? What seems to prompt the updates or changes?

Overall, do you feel your group has an appealing or user-friendly website? Does the site do a good job of displaying and promoting the cause? What, if anything, needs improvement?


According to pluralist theory, "groups with shared interests influence public policy by expressing their concerns through organized efforts." According to hyperpluralist theory, groups have "too much power." This theory holds that "government is unable to act because politicians try to placate every group." Does your group have "too much power"? Do politicians try to "placate" your group? Are there groups which oppose your group's agenda who have too much power? Explain.

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Dissertation: What has this group been up to since you began monitoring
Reference No:- TGS01481751

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