
What has the media done to advance or hinder the meaning of

You will be graded on the thoroughness of your reply, the organization of your answers, and your ability to reference the text and other sources in your posts.

Your replies must add to the discussion of the class and you should not just agree or disagree with your classmates, but tell why and give supporting statements to back up your reply.

Fitness is by far the most publicized component in physical education today. Physical education has long been criticized for its lack of appropriated fitness programming. Much of this is out of the control of PE teachers (time, equipment,etc...)

1. Do you think Fitness should be a required class for all students through college graduation in America? Why or why not?

2. Should PE have as its most important goal, fitness? Why or why not?

3. What has the media done to advance or hinder the meaning of fitness education in America? Give examples.

4. If the fitness center (or a much larger, better fitness/rec center) were free or included in your student fees at FWC, would you take advantage of this opportunity?

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Science: What has the media done to advance or hinder the meaning of
Reference No:- TGS01297498

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