
What has been the experience of organizations that have

Two Paragraphs max. APA format. In-text citation. 2 Sources needed.

IPv6 was introduced in 1998 to overcome many of the shortcomings inherent to IPv4. Today, almost twenty years later, the vast majority of network installations continue to primarily rely upon IPv4, in spite of many industry experts urging that the world must eventually make the switch.

Why has there been such resistance to transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6?

What has been the experience of organizations that have experimented with or begun using IPv6?

Has your company (past or present) done anything with IPv6?

If you were in charge of your company's IT department, what would be your position on whether and/or when to make the switch?

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Computer Networking: What has been the experience of organizations that have
Reference No:- TGS02706950

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