A. Why is Marijuana use and mental health public health challenge and What population(s) face the greatest burden? Why?
B. Describe the role of epidemiology and surveillance in understanding the issue (its trends and burden over time in our society)
C. For example, what kinds of data, data systems, and study methods have been collected or set up to understand the issue?
D. What do they tell us about trends in the occurrence of the issue across time and/or geography and/or population?
E. What interventions or approaches have been used to address the health issue to prevent it and promote healthier living?
F. Have they been successful? Why or why not?
G. What has been most effective about these strategies?
H. How can these strategies be improved? Hint: do these interventions address health inequities, social determinants of health, and other disparities that are present?
I. Discuss the role of collaborations between key stakeholders, partners, and agencies that have come together to address this issue?
J. Moving forward, what collaborative approaches are necessary to address the burden of this public health issue?
K. Conclude your report by provided a summary of your discussion points and future direction.