Question 1
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
Fusch, G. E. (2008). What happens when the ROI model does not fit? Performance Improvement Quarterly, 14(4), 60-76. doi: 10.1111/j.1937-8327.2001.tb00230.x
A. Capitalization in the article title
B. Listing the issue number in the reference
C. Issue number should be in italics
D. Spacing error in DOI after colon
Question 2
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2011). The Sage handbook of qualitative research(4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
A. Superscript should not be used in edition number
B. Periods needed for state abbreviation
C. Comma before ampersand
D. Period at end of reference
Question 3
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
Bertolotti, F., & Tagliaventi, M. R. (2007). Discovering complex interdependencies in organizational settings: The role of social network analysis in qualitative research.Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal,2(1), 43-46.
A. The word the should not be capitalized in the title
B. Article title should be in italics
C. Missing the DOI number
D. Issue number should be in italics
Question 4
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
de Colle, S., & Werhane, P. H. (2008). Moral motivation across ethical theories: What can we learn for designing corporate ethics programs? Journal of Business Ethics,81(4), 751-764. doi:10.1007/s10551-007-9545-7
A. Page numbers should not have a period after the last page
B. JBE is not a peer-reviewed journal
C. Issue number should not be listed
D. Title needs to be in italics
Question 5
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
English, B. (2008). "Climate for ethics" and occupational-organisational commitment conflict. The Journal of Management Development, 27, 963975. Retrieved from
A. Missing DOI or homepage URL
B. Quotation marks should not be in title
C. Missing issue number
D. Misspelling in article title
Question 6
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
Freeman, R. E., Gilbert, D. R., Jr., & Hartman, E. (1988). Values and the foundations of strategic management. Journal of Business Ethics, 7, 821-834. Retrieved from ABI Global database
A. Should not cite the database
B. With three authors, use et al.
C. Missing the city and state
D. Spelling errors in article title
Question 7
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
Fusch and Anderson (2013) suggested that as companies implement training and other dynamic strategies to change the workplace into a place that fosters worker participation, decision-making, teamwork, and continuous learning, some traditional organizations have met varying levels of resistance from employees. This resistance often is a result of potentially perceived barriers to learning (Fusch and Anderson, 2013).
A. Hyphenated word error
B. Fosters worker participation is passive voice
C. Resistance to barriers is an anthropomorphism
D. Missing ampersand in parenthetical citation
Question 8
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
In a qualitative ethnographic study of shop-floor workers, (Smith & Williams 2012) observed the daily operations and culture in a small paper mill. Building on their observations, they interviewed 25-workers in the pulp processing department and found that workers often resisted employer provided educational opportunities due to preconceived barriers to learning (Smith & Williams, 2012).
A. Misuse of parenthetical citation in first sentence
B. Incorrect use of possessive voice
C. Should use observe instead of observed
D. Misuse of parenthetical citation in last sentence
Question 9
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
Although Smith and Williams (2012) identified that strategies such as "corporate universities" can increase worker participation and enhance the workplace environment, this study contained only a minimal theoretical foundation for the study.
A. Incorrect use of possessive voice
B. Should use observe, believe, or state instead of identified
C. Incorrect method for making emphasis
D. Wrong tense
Question 10
Please identify the APA error in the following example:
"Twenty mid-level managers participated in interviews to share their lived experiences and perceptions" (Smith, 2012, para. 1). Smith (2012) states that these managers had the lived experiences to best address the research question.
A. Period at end of first sentence should be inside the quotation marks
B. Should use observe, believe, or state instead of identified
C. Use of para. does not follow APA style
D. Wrong tense is used.