Assignment task: Gratitude involves being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen and taking time to express thank (VIA Institute on Character Traits, 2004).
Watch what happens when people take the time to express their gratitude to someone (it's not a perfect scientific study, but you'll get the idea!).
YouTube Video: An Experiment in Gratitude | The Science of Happiness
Now, please complete the following writing exercise and submit it on this assignment link. Take the time to really think about and elaborate your responses. The more deeply that you engage in this exercise, the more likely it is to help you.
Which of the examples in the video touched you the most? Why?
If you could thank someone who has made a difference in your academic journey, who would it be? Why? (If you want, you could structure this part of your journal as a letter of gratitude to that person. And if that person is still with us, I would encourage you to share it with them. As you saw in the video, gratitude can have powerful effects.)