
What happens to your personal wellness goals after you


INSTRUCTIONS: Combine all two topics into one paper organized by title (see in all caps). You will be required to present ALL of your findings via a paper presented to you instructor.

• 1. PERSONAL WELLNESS PLAN: What happens to your personal wellness goals after you finish this wellness class? First, discuss your progress made with each dimension/each goal throughout and at the end of the semester. Then, establish one personal goat for each of the eight wellness dimensions. This goal should be reachable, realistic and measurable in nature. Each dimension/goal needs to be one (1) paragraph per goal summarizing your progress and continuation plans for the future.

• 2. HEALTH APPRAISAL PLAN: How will you maintain good health and fitness levels or improve upon these levels? You will also report your findings and interpretation with your results for the health appraisal day and blood draw as applicable. You will list the items you need to maintain and the items you need to improve upon per your results with a goal of how to maintain or improve. Research for interpreting your results needs to include the textbook or web use or use of a credible, reliable resource. Each goal/reporting needs to be one paragraph per goal summarizing your progress and continuation plans for the future.

• 3. WELLNESS RESOURCES ON CAMPUS: What resources and support are on or provided through Uindy's campus to help you achieve and/or maintain your goals? You will also report at least two resources per each wellness dimension you can find on or through the Ulndy campus AND why you feel these are relevant resources for YOU. Each dimension/resource needs have appropriate information provided (name of resource
or service, location, telephone website, hours of operation, etc.).

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Reference No:- TGS01042197

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