
What happens to language in the dialectic relationship

1) Write a concise, well organized, informative essay analyzing/discussing Aimé Cesaire's and Franz Fanon's ideas about colonialism and its effects. Use the questions below as guides only.

Explain each author's approach to colonialism. According to Cesaire, Europe is a decadent and dying civilization. Explain why Cesaire believes so. Toward whom more precisely is the author's criticism? What parallels does he draw between civilization and colonization? What does he say about fascism and how does he relate it to the intellectuals or humanists? What is Fanon's approach (methodology) to the topic? What does the title of Fanon's book mean?

What happens to language in the dialectic relationship between the colonizer and the colonized? How is the black body seen by the colonizer and the colonized? How do Martiniquais see themselves vis-à- vis the colonizer? How does the white man see the black man and woman? How do black women see white men? Why? What is the role of colonialism in these perceptions about the Other? What happens to colonized societies? What happens to the colonizer? What are some of the consequences of colonialism, according each author?

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Dissertation: What happens to language in the dialectic relationship
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