
What happens if you change the nummonths and numyears de

Lab 4

Learning Exercises for you to try:

1. Change the code to average 20 integers as opposed to 10. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code. What happens if you change the formatter to %.2f printf("average is %.2f\n " ,avg );

2. What happens if you entered a value other than an integer? (For example a float or even a string). Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the code. To help in your analysis try as input 1 2 3 a 4 5 Hint: activate this line if(debug) printf(" value is %d\n " , value ); after the scanf statement that reads in the value. Activate by changing the value of debug. Next try as input 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 10.5 What happens?

3. Modify the code to allow the user to enter an unspecified number of positive integers and calculate the average. In other words, the user could enter any number of positive integers. (Hint: You can prompt the user for how many they want to enter. Or; you could use a sentinel value to trigger when the user has completed entering values). You may need to conduct some research on your own to solve this problem.

4. Prepare a new test table with at least 3 distinct test cases listing input and expected output for the code you created. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code.

Lab 5

Learning Exercises for you to try:

1. Modify the output printf statement so that the average grade is displayed with just three decimals places and so that there is two tabs between the student name and his average grade. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code.

2. Describes what happens when you moved the Set Sum = 0.0 from inside the for loop to right after the declaration.

For example:

// Declare variables

Declare StudentName as String

Declare ExamValue, Sum, Avg as Float

// Initialize Sum

Set Sum = 0.0;

Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code.

3. Move the Set Sum = 0.0 back to where it was before (inside the loop). Modify the code to be able to input an undetermined number of students. You will still only have 3 exams for each student. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code. Submit this code in a separate .txt ( or .c ) file.

4. Prepare a new test table with at least 3 distinct test cases listing input and expected output for the code you created after step 4.

Lab 7

Learning Exercises for you to try:

1. Modify the program to sum the rainfall for eachyear.

(Hint: this is NOT part of the input. You have all the data collected, you need to sum for each year from the data you collected during the input.) You can do this using a looping structure during the output function printdata.) Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code

2. Enhance the program to allow the user to enter another meteorological element such as windspeed (e.g. 2.4 mph). (Hint: you will need another array). Note, the user should be able to enter both rainfall and windspeed in your new implementation.-You will need to update the input data and printd at a functions. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code. Submit your code as a separate .txt (or .c )file.

3. Prepare a new test table with at least 2 distinct test cases listing inputand expected output for the code you created after step2

4. What happens if you change the NUMMONTHS and NUMYEARS de finitions to other values? Be sure to use both lower and higher values. Describe what happens if you use larger numbers to Declare thearrays. Describe what happens if you use lower numbers to Declare thearrays.

Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code.

Attachment:- Labs.rar

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C/C++ Programming: What happens if you change the nummonths and numyears de
Reference No:- TGS01630077

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