
What happens during police interrogations that can produce

How do police who investigate crimes become suseptible to cognitive dissonance? How do they reduce their dissonace? Provide and example

What happens during police interrogations that can produce dissonance for interrogators? How do they redcue it?

In what circumstances are prosecutors subject to dissonance? How do they reduce it? Provide and example

Tavris and Aronson say, "by the time the prosecutors go to trial, they often find themselves in a real world equivelant of a justification-of-effort experiment.(pg.149) What do they mean by this?

In what ways does training that does not take into account our cognititve biases and blindspots increase the chance of wrongful convictions?

What are some strategies for reducing the role that cognitive dissonance plays in the criminal justice process?

Reading - Mistake Were Made (but not by me) Why we Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts by CAROL TAVRIS and ELLIOT ARONSON.

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Dissertation: What happens during police interrogations that can produce
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