Lab Assignment: Electrical Power Systems Analysis
As you go through the examples, you will be required to take screenshots of your work. The screenshots (all of them) must include the time stamp in the corner of your computer screen; otherwise, you will receive a 1 for your lab.
1. Download the PowerWorld software and case files for the sixth edition. Use the latest version available for the sixth edition. You will download two files: the installer for the software and the case files entitled GOSSampleCases6thEd. The case files folder includes a folder for each week with the files used for the examples in the text.
2. Install the PowerWorld software. You may want to create a shortcut on your desktop to the application if you were not given that option. The application is entitled pwrworld and is found under ProgramFiles (usually on the C drive) > PowerWorld >Simulator GOS Education20. The last two numbers is the version number and may different than that shown here.
3. Go through Example 1.1.
Tip: The software may open in Edit Mode (highlighted on the top left). In order to run the simulation or the animation, you will need to select Run Mode and then go to Tools and the play button.
a. While in animation mode, open a circuit breaker and take a screenshot (A) (BE SURE to include the computer TIME STAMP). Paste this into
a Word document. Pdf files are not accepted.
b. With the circuit breaker closed, change the load and take another screenshot (B).-
4. Go through Example 1.2. Do NOT use the supplied Example1_2 file in the folder. You are to edit the Example1_1 file. If found to use Example1_2 in the folder, this will result in an automatic 1 for the lab.
a. Animate your modified circuit with bus 3 included. Take a screenshot (C).
5. Go through Example 1.3. Do NOT use the supplied Example1_3 file in the folder. You are to edit the Example1_1 file. If found to use Example1_3 in the folder, this will result in an automatic 1 for the lab.
a. Animate your Three Bus Power System and take a screenshot (D).
b. Open a circuit breaker between Bus 1 and Bus 2 and take a screenshot of the result (E).
c. Open a circuit breaker between Bus 1 and Bus 3 and take a screenshot of the result (F).
d. Save your Three Bus Power System in the following manner:
1) Go to File > Save Case As. Save your file as Example1_4. An ‘add a comment' box will open. Make sure that your name is in Name. If not, change it. Type in a comment like: This is my example. Then click Add Comment. If this step is not done, there will be an override grade of 1.
6. Place all of your timestamped screenshots into a Word document and answer the following questions.
a. What is a circuit breaker, and what does it mean when a circuit breaker is ‘open'?
b. What did you change your load to for screenshot B? Did the voltage at the load go up or down? How might you explain this?
c. Using screenshot D, what is the total power generated? What total power is flowing to the two loads (show your work)? How much power is lost to transmission line resistance (show your work)?
d. What happened when you opened the circuit breakers in screenshots B and C? How did this compare to what you saw in screenshot A? Explain why there is a difference? Based on your comparison of screenshots, explain an advantage of a networked versus a radial power system. Be sure to relate your answer to the screenshots.