
What happened include the basics why were these events

Topic: Write an American History timeline. Include what you think were the important dates/ events

The Events MUST:

-have taken place in America between 1492-1877

-be significant to American History.

-Consider the questions: What happened? Include the basics. Why were these events important? How did they shape the Era? Why should they be studied?

-Length: stick to 125 words per event.


DATE: event title- i.e. what happened

IMPORTANCE: your short analysis of what happened and why it was important. Each event should be at least 125 words. So yes that is 1,250 words. This serves as your Final.

1 date 1 event:

Do not write:

August 3, 1492: Columbus sets sail.

October 12, 1492: Columbus reaches the New World.

Those are 2 separate events not one.

Be sure to include at least 10 important events.

Don't write: 1754-1763: the French and Indian War took place.

Don't include: events that took place after 1877.

Don't: write an essay. A timeline means a timeline. I should be able to quickly see the date- event and why it was important.

Don't use general War events like: the Civil War 1861. If you use Wars, include specific start and end dates.

HINT: World War II did not take place 1492-1877.

Do a timeline of events.

Not 10 events from the same War/ Movement/ Era, etc. If you do all events about 1 Battle/ War/ Movement/ Era, etc you will not get full credit.

Do not include themes such as all transportation or health issues. Use a WIDE variety of events that shaped this time period.

Slavery is not an event. A person is not an event. An Act is not an event. The Bill of Rights is not an event. The Constitution is not an event.

-Do include: historic analysis and research as to why such an event was important.

-Do include: exact dates for events. Colonists coming to America 1600-1700 is not a specific event. The Civil War 1861 is not an exact date.

-Grammar: be sure not to say I think... Keep I, we, us, our, etc out of formal essays. By the way you write you are telling me how you think. I know this can be hard. But you want to write something like: William Penn was the most influential person that has ever lived in Colonial America. And NOT: I think William Penn was a very important person that we all should care about. Be concise and well thought out.

Be sure to re-read your paper after writing to check for misspellings. If you can, have someone else read and comment on your essay. Run spell/ grammar check.

Include a title page with your name, date, assignment title. Place page numbers at the bottom of each page. Use Times New Roman- 12 pt. Double space. This is a formal paper. No power points will be accepted. Word .doc formats ONLY.

-Research: You MUST include citations (i.e. endnotes or footnotes in Chicago Format or (author, page #) and a Bibliography). You should have several citations to help prove your point but not so much that all you are doing is either paraphrasing or stringing quotes together.

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History: What happened include the basics why were these events
Reference No:- TGS02829322

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