
What happened in lower courts

Case Brief:
Research the legal case: In re Gault 387 U.S. 1 (1967), the first juvenile case in history. 

MCJ 5460, Juvenile Justice Administration and Delinquency 3
Read the directions on briefing a case below. Next, brief the case listed in three pages.
List the Case:
1. Judicial history
2. Facts
3. Issues,
4. Rules
5. Analysis and reasoning
6. Holding
When writing a case brief, the answers to the fallowing questions are components that create a case brief. These
questions are:
? Who are the parties?
? What happened in lower courts?
? What is the legal question before this court?
? What rules (primary law) did court rely on in researching decision?
? How did court analyze the facts in light of the legal questions and rules?
? How did the court solve the dispute?
? When the answers to the questions are well known, the case brief is written.  

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Reference No:- TGS0121249

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