
What groups consider a variety do you feel that you have a

1. For each of the categories listed on the left below, identify the racial/ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, religion and social class of the people who were (or are) a part of your life. Use the Matrix below. Consider any differences between close vs. casual relationships.

Racial/Ethnicity Gender Social Class Religion Sexual Orientation


Childhood close friends

Adolescent close friends

Child-Adolescent neighbors

High School

Adolescent romances

Adulthood close friends

Adulthood acquaintances

Adult intimate relationships

Current social activities

Current neighborhood

Place of worship

Work environments

2a. What groups (consider a variety) do you feel you can relate to or identify with? Why?

b. What groups (consider a variety) do you feel that you have a particularly difficult time relating to or identifying with? Why?

3. What groups (consider a variety) do you have identifiable negative feelings/thoughts about? Are there groups you are aware of avoiding? Where do these feelings/thoughts come from?

4. What are your thoughts/feelings about interracial/inter-ethnic/interfaith intimate relationships? For others? For yourself? Think about this with respect to a wide range of groups. Where do your feelings and thoughts come from?

5a. What experiences have you had in being the minority? Describe a few. What was that like for you?

b. when you are in the "majority", how do you interact with the "minority"? When you are in the "minority", how do you interact with the "majority"? What are your thoughts and feelings in both situations?

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Dissertation: What groups consider a variety do you feel that you have a
Reference No:- TGS02259046

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