
What group of sinners is in the third circle of hell who is


Questions for Dante's Inferno

1. Name the animals Dante meets on the hill as he leaves the dark wood.

2. First time readers of The Inferno often get confused about the occupants of ante-hell and the first circle of hell. Explain which group of souls occupies each place and explain the logic, from Dante's point of view, of why these souls occupy their positions and what their punishments are.

3. Who are the three women in heaven who are Dante's protectors?

4. What is the name of the river Dante has to cross to get into Hell? What is the name of the river of the wrathful? These are two different rivers.

5. What is the name of the city the pilgrims have to enter after they cross the river?

6. What group of sinners is in the third circle of Hell? Who is the guardian of the circle and why is he the perfect guardian for the circle?

7. Dante and Virgil have to wit and wait to become accustomed to the awful smell of the City of Dis. Virgil explains why usury is such a detestable sin. Explain what usury is, why it is a terrible sin, and how it relates to Adam, the first man.

8. Who is the sinner at the very bottom of Hell? How many mouths does he have? What are the names of the sinners in each mouth?

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