
What grand challenge you will be addressing and why is it

Assignment: Team Application Development Worksheet and Report Guidance

As you work together as a team to put together a presentation on your application, use this document as a guide to put together your individual Application Report (due Tuesday, October 24th). Report specifics: 12 point font, 1 inch margins, 3 pages, double-spaced, cover ALL topics indicated in this worksheet, organize with appropriate headings, include at least 3 primary references (suggestions below), use proper spelling and grammar, submit through Canvas by noon on Oct. 24th.

What grand challenge you will be addressing and why is it important?

What nanotechnology application(s) have you designed to address this challenge?

Describe current applications that are related to (... or do the same function, or provide the same result) your nanotechnology application? Include primary references.

Compare the attributes of the current and future (the one you dreamed up) applications. Is the nanotechnology application superior? If so, why? If not, how can it be improved?

What are the major limitations (or obstacles) that must be over come for your application to be developed?

Determine the types of nanomaterials that may be used - do they have to have specific properties? Include primary references.

What type of characterization needs to be performed on your materials or application? Please describe the components of your application that would need to be tested and if the final product should be tested. What do you need to know about your materials/application? Include primary references.

At what point of the research and development of your application would you need to perform characterization?

What characterization tools would you use? Please spell out the name of the instrument or technique, describe what it measures, and what information you get from those measurements.

Would you develop your application using top-down or bottom-up manufacturing? Please explain.


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Dissertation: What grand challenge you will be addressing and why is it
Reference No:- TGS02512062

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