
What grammar mistakes stand out the most to you think

English Assignment: Research Paper Peer Review

For this peer review, you need to complete the following steps. Your peer review grade will be based on how well you complete these steps and answer the review questions. These apply to your peer's paper, not your own.

Copy and paste these directions to the end of your peer's paper so that you can answer the questions directly on the essay. Remember, comments you make are not being judgmental, but are helping another student present the best paper he or she can. You are hoping someone is doing the same for you.

The things we are asking you to look for are the things you will be graded on. You should also remember that YOU - the author of your paper - are ultimately responsible for your own paper.

1. On your peer's paper:

a. Using the highlighting function, highlight in pink what you believe to be the thesis statement in the introduction. Remember that the thesis should be a provable argument based on the literary topic chosen and should not be the same thesis as used in the second essay. Make any comments you feel necessary to improve thesis here:

b. Now also highlight in yellow the main points of support for the thesis statement - the topic sentences. Each topic should be supported with two secondary sources and the primary source. Highlight in green the primary and secondary sources that support the topic. Just highlight them the first time they are used. This means that for every time there is a yellow highlighted topic, three green highlights should follow before the next yellow topic is highlighted. If not, then the author of the paper will know there is a problem.

c. As you read through the paper, look for the following. If you see any of the things in this list, highlight them in light blue.

i. Any form of the word YOU
ii. Clichés
iii. Quotes that are not immediately followed by an in-text citation
iv. Quotes that do not have a signal phrase
v. Any in-text citation that is not done correctly
vi. Any source not introduced the first time it is used with the title of article and the author's first and last name

d. Now answer each of these questions:

i. Does any part of this paper focus more on using the primary source? If so, where in the paper does that occur?

ii. What do you feel needs the most improvement on this paper? (Please do not respond with I think this paper is great. All papers can be improved! Find something concrete.)

iii. What grammar mistakes stand out the most to you? Think especially about sentence structure errors. Could you easily flow through the reading or did awkward sentences and grammar hold you back? If sentence structure was fine, what other errors did you notice?

iv. Does this paper meet MLA proper format - margins, spacing, heading, title, font, in-text citations?

v. Is the works cited page correct? Is every source listed on the works cited page used in the paper (an in-text citation)? Highlight in pink any errors you notice on the works cited page.

vi. List any other MLA formatting errors here:

2. Once you have finished answering these questions, write a brief paragraph about what you liked most about this paper, and what you feel the student needs to do to improve the paper overall. Then type your name at the end of the paragraph.

Attachment:- Research-Paper.rar

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