
What goods or values does employment of virtue produce

Assignment Instructions: Please answer the following question(s) in paragraph form. As a guide, your initial post needs to be around two paragraphs in length (what is most important however is that you fully answer the question(s) asked). To create your post, click on the topic to the left. On the following page, click create thread, then type in your submission and click submit. You will need to create an original post before you can view the posts of others.

If you post a blank thread to gain access to the forum, you will receive a zero for your initial post, so be careful not to submit blank or incomplete threads. After your initial post, please read and respond to the posts of at least two other students (ask questions about their findings, share your experience in researching the questions, press them for more details, offer a critique of the material being discussed, share your personal thoughts (remembering to provide support for the claims that you make) - anything substantive that adds to the discussion! Your response posts need to be around one paragraph in length - 75 to 100 words (one or two sentences is not enough, and will not get you full credit).

Avoid blind agreement - do not simply tell other's that you like or agree with what they said - explain why, in each response. You must have at least two response posts to get full credit for the assignment. See the Syllabus section regarding discussion posts and the Discussion Rubric for additional information and grading criteria.

Questions: For this post, think about your future career (or the field that you hope to work in after you complete your studies). What virtue do you think is most important for the practice of your profession? What goods or values does the consistent employment of this virtue produce?

Provide a general description of your virtue. What does it mean to possess this virtue? Think along the following lines: people who have virtue X tend to exhibit certain characteristics (or do certain things) in certain kinds of situations. Try to think of these situations in terms of what is common and important to your profession or practice.

After you have a clear understanding of your virtue, identify the corresponding vices (both the excess and the deficiency). Label your vices as characteristics, not actions (give the word for your vice, as opposed to mere example). What characterizes the points of excess and defect between which your virtue as the mean lies?

What obstacles arise that prevent professionals from practicing your virtue? Do well-meaning professionals lack power or technical skill? Can virtues interfere with the realization of non-moral values (like financial values)? See if you can think of a supporting scenario or case here. Next, identify a moral exemplar (a role model who exemplifies this virtue - real or fictional) for your virtue. Finally, does your virtue stand alone or does it need support from other virtues or skills? For example, integrity might also require moral courage.

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Reference No:- TGS03052798

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