
What goods and services does company offer


Step 1: Prepare for the Interview

Watch this presentation onConducting an Interviewor read thetranscriptfor help preparing this activity.

Step 2: Conduct the Interview

Be prepared to take notes and have your questions ready. Introduce yourself first and make sure to get the person's full name, job title, and contact information. Here is a list of required questions although you may add more of your own:

Image of a young lady interviewing another woman who is a senior citizen. there is a laptop computer on the table in front of them

JupiterImages Corporation

What inspired you to start a business?

What goods and or services does your company offer?

How do you organize your business? (Identify sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, corporation)

What are the advantages to the way you organize your business?

What are the disadvantages?

Would you ever seek to sell stock in your company? Why or why would you not?

What was the greatest challenge in starting your company?

What advice would you give a young person who wants to start his or her own company?

Be sure to thank your interviewee for their time and follow up with a handwritten thank you note.

Step 3: Write and Reflect on your Interview

Type up your notes from the interview in question and answer format. You may summarize your interviewee's responses if necessary. View asample interview summary. Be sure to include the person's full name, job title, and contact information in your report.

Answer this question in a detailed paragraph of at least 3-5 sentences: If you were to start your own business, what would it be and how would you organize it? Explain why.

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Business Management: What goods and services does company offer
Reference No:- TGS01983090

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