Part 1: Written Piece
Choose 1 topic you are interested in that can be written about in 1 of the following genres:
Professional email advocating for a change at work
Compose a maximum five hundred and twenty-five-word written piece that includes the necessary components for your chosen genre. Include the following in your written piece:
- The genre's audience
- Purpose and context
- Conventions and trends (e.g., citations, word choice, and writing to the correct official) for your chosen genre
- Correct formatting and structure for your chosen genre
Part 2: Reflection
Write a reflection addressing the following questions in at least one sentence each:
- What genre did you choose for your written piece? In what ways does your writing demonstrate this genre?
- All writing has a purpose that is unique to the situation. What did you hope to accomplish with your written piece?
- What research did you conduct for this assignment?
Cite your sources and format your assignment according to APA guidelines.