
What genetic condition been previously missed in screening


Brett and Brenna's twin girls are doing very well. They haven't had any health complications since jaundice in the beginning of their second week. Unfortunately, a friend of the family, Marleen, had a very high-risk pregnancy that resulted in her son, Ervin, being born at 32 weeks of age. He has several health complications and is currently in the NICU. Brett and Brenna want to help any way they can. 2. Shortly after birth, Ervin was taken to the NICU for care because he was preterm. He was screened for the standard newborn genetic screen so if nutrition intervention was required, it could be addressed immediately. The screening came back normal. Still, within days of birth, Ervin begins showing signs of possible sepsis and liver problems. What genetic condition may have been previously missed in the screening? a. galactosemia b. anemia c. citrullinemia d. phenylketonuria

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Reference No:- TGS03393921

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