
What general goals should the case manager hope to achieve


For this assignment, choose oneof the following case studies which detail the background of an offender, the context of their offending and the sentence imposed. Firstly,address the complexities surrounding offender assessment with particular focus on evidence-based practice and its relationship to the case study. Secondly, consider strategies for effective intervention which reflects the needs of the offender, the community and the victim where relevant. Thirdly, discuss how this strategy will be implemented and what considerations need to be made regarding the structural factors that have impacted on the offender.

To complete this assessment, you will need to address the following:

Introduction: Identify the case study chosen and the structure of the assignment. You will be writing this assessment as if you were advising the case manager, so keep in mind that your focus should be on their role and relationship with the offender, however please ensure you write in the third person.

Background:Discuss the relevance of the RNR and/or the Good Lives Models to the case study.Consider the following questions:

What are the problems associated with the offender and their offending behaviour?

What are the external factors that have impacted on their offending behaviour?

What considerations need to be made for the offender, the victim and the community?

Not all of this information will be available to you in the case study; you may find it useful to ‘fill in the blanks' based on the strategy you choose to implement.

Intervention strategies:Discuss the approach that should be taken by the case manager. Consider the following questions:

What general goals should the case manager hope to achieve?

What specific outcomes should the case manager and offender seek to achieve?

How should the case manager engage the offender?

What needs to be addressed from the offender's perspective?

Will strategies involve external agencies, or any form of electronic monitoring?

Will there be any procedural or ethical concerns based on what the offender discloses?

What if there are problems with getting the offender to comply?

Conclusion: Draw your arguments to a close with an outline of how the strategies address the problems and issues for the offender, the victim and the community.

References: You are expected to use a minimum of eightacademic references. This will ensure you comprehensively address the criteria using academic literature.

Appendices:You may find these particularly useful for supporting your use of risk assessment tools and interview strategies. You are welcome to include these if you wish.

Helpful Materials:

The readings throughout this semester will be very useful. You may also find that the assessment tools available in the following texts will be helpful:

Alarid, L 2015, Community-Based Corrections, 10 ed, Cengage Learning, Belmont USA

Latessa, E and Smith, P 2015, Corrections in the Community, 6 ed, Routledge, New York

McNiell, F, Raynor, P, Trotter, C (eds.) 2010, Offender Supervision: New directions in theory, research and practice, Willan, Abingdon UK


Double check the following before you submit:

1. Have you addressed all the criteria?

2. Have you edited your work to correct errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and written expression?

3. Have you referenced properly throughout the paper?

4. Have you given yourself enough time to resubmit your paper if you are not happy with the Turnitin report or the quality of the work?

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Business Law and Ethics: What general goals should the case manager hope to achieve
Reference No:- TGS01656700

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