Analyzing a Supreme Court Decision - Spring 2023
Read the recent Supreme Court case (particularly pages 1-13 for most of the questions), HAROLD SHURTLEFF, ET AL., PETITIONERS v. CITY OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, ET AL.,
A. Who authored pages 1-13 in this case, and what is this type of opinion called? When was the case decided?
B. Briefly describe the facts of the original case for me that lead us to the Supreme Court, including the results at the lower federal court(s).
C. What were the essential issues (key questions of law) the Supreme Court was addressing?
D. What did the Supreme Court decide (how did they answer the issue question), AND what happened to the case procedurally after the decision?
E. What three cases were frequently cited, and what was the holding of each?
F. What general factor did help the city's case?
G. What did the Court say that Boston could have done differently that might have changed the outcome? (Sidenote: Parties need to pay attention when the Court does this as they often spell out how not to have the issue come up again.
H. Were there any other Supreme Court opinions written by Justices with this case? If so, please identify the primary author and what type(s) of opinions they were.