
What funding supports most agencies serving this population

Assignment: Describing a human service position in detail

Write a 2-3 descriptive page paper that describes a human service position in detail. Begin your paper with an introduction, and describe the needs of various populations served in the human services profession. Throughout this course, you have discussed various populations: children and families, adolescents, the aging, the mentally ill, the homeless, the medically ill, and substance abusers. Select at least three of these populations and describe, in detail, some of the needs that they have. Then discuss the role of the human services professional in meeting those needs. This part of your Assignment should be at least 1 page.

Then, view at least three of the videos (including all questions and answers) found at the following link:

Next, state the three videos you chose to view. Then, summarize one of the positions viewed in the videos. In your summary, be sure to give the background of the agency, some of the daily responsibilities of the chosen position, and whether or not you would be interested in working in this position and why. If these details were not given in full in the video, you must follow up with research on similar agencies found online.

In addition to your summaries, discuss additional career opportunities with the same population and some of the main issues with the populations served in the chosen position.

Finally, focus on this position in a bit more detail in order to examine the following concepts, which will have been addressed throughout this course.

1. What do you believe a typical day might look like in this position?

2. What funding supports most agencies serving this population? What resources are available to clients, as well as those serving this population?

3. What is your conclusion regarding job satisfaction for human service professionals choosing similar career paths?

Paper Guidelines

Your paper should be 2-3 pages, double spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and Standard American English. If you do cite outside references, you will have to provide the source information on a reference page. For example, you can list the titles of the videos that you view or the title of our course textbook on the reference page. You should also carefully proofread your Assignment before turning it in so that it is free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. In addition, your paper should include a cover page, introductory paragraph, and concluding paragraph.

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Public Economics: What funding supports most agencies serving this population
Reference No:- TGS02226608

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