Corporate Responsibility Class
Corporate Responsibility Class: I need the following essay, preferably bullet #2. Plagiarized free, APA format, with year and page number. Please see the details below. The essay must be from 300 - 700 words including the reference page. The grading ruberic is attached.
Topic: Choose 1 of the following questions and answer it completely and thoroughly for your thread:
• What are some of the challenges and benefits of companies being environmentally conscious? (ch. 10)
• Briefly describe acid rain. Do you think a command-and-control, or market-based regulatory approach would work better to reduce acid rain emissions, and why? (ch. 11)
• Do you think businesses should voluntarily undertake environmental improvement efforts beyond those required by law? Why or why not? (ch. 11)
• What fuels technological growth, and is this growth global or is it isolated to a few countries? (ch. 12)
• Should all businesses venture into e-commerce, or is it better for only certain types of businesses? (ch. 12)
• Is information on the Internet truly free, or should copyrighted music or software be protected? (ch. 13)
• Is tissue engineering and cloning an improvement for humans or a threat to humans? (ch. 13)