
What framework of accountability do you support for

Quiz and podcast

Please answer the following questions:

1. What framework of accountability do you support for nonprofits? Explain your choice.

2. What do you see as the benefits and limitations of accountability via performance measurement?

3. What two things would you propose as practical steps to starting an evaluation system to create trust and accountability as a nonprofit manager? Support your proposal with analysis and literature.


CBC (2014). Will there be a chill on non-profits and charities after Portland Hotel scandal. [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from https://www.cbc.ca/player/Radio/Local+Shows/British+Columbia/B.C.+Almanac/ID/2445329598/.

REFERNCES - USE THE PODCASTAND THE PDF ONE (Epstein, Marc J; Buhovac, Adriana Rejc (Nov 2009): 16-21.


Mission & Program Evaluation

1. Does your organization periodically evaluate your programs and services to ensure they are aligned with your mission? Yes No

2. Does your organization periodically evaluate your programs and services to ensure they are effective at accomplishing their goals? Yes No

Governance & Financials

3. Does the Board conduct sound budgeting practices and ensure financial controls (such as independent audits) are in place to avoid irregularities? Yes No

4. Does the Board review the prudence of overhead expenses (administration and fundraising expenses vis-à-vis program expenses) and fundraising ratios (what it costs to raise a $1)? Yes No

5. Does your organization have a process for determining and reviewing executive compensation for reasonableness that is reflected in the board minutes? Yes No

6. Is the Board familiar with the organization's Form 990 (the return submitted by nonprofits to the IRS) and does it and ensure that the organization's leaders can attest to its accuracy? Yes No

7. Does your organization utilize recruitment strategies that create boards with diverse backgrounds (including, but not limited to, ethnic, race and gender), experience, and the organizational and financial skills necessary to advance the organization's mission? Yes No

8. Does your organization have a whistleblower protection policy and document destruction policy? Yes No

Ethics and Conflicts

9. Do leaders perform with ethical and trustworthy behavior (i.e., practice what they preach, avoid nepotism and favoritism, promote respectful and professional behavior)? Yes No

10. Does your organization have a policy to ensure only reimbursement of reasonable and necessary expenses for board and staff (e.g., travel, meals)? Yes No

11. Does the board have policies that ensure the independence of a substantial number of board members (free of conflicts of interest)? Yes No

12. Does your organization have a conflict of interest policy for board members and high-level staff members? Yes No

13. Does your organization have a code of ethical conduct that includes a values statement? Yes No


14. Does your organization share information with the public about its programs/services and their impact? Yes No

15. Does your organization share information with the public about its Form 990? Yes No

16. Does your organization share information with the public about its audit and financial information? Yes No

17. Does your organization share information with the public about the background and demographics of its board members and key staff? Yes No

18. Is all (or most of) the above information available on an accessible website? Yes No

19. Are your fundraising materials honest and do all funds raised support the programs they were given for? Yes No

20. Are donors' wishes for privacy followed and an opt-out option given for mailing lists or trading? Yes No


Take a few minutes to do this and then reflect on the results.

Please integrate the thoughts and ideas from this introduction narrative together with those from the readings (use some of the points on the quiz into the above questions / answers). We will use your analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of thoughts in the questions for this week.

apl style referencing and in-text citation

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Accounting Basics: What framework of accountability do you support for
Reference No:- TGS01266882

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