
What framework for determining the proper use of selection

Questions: 1. What framework for determining the proper use of selection procedures, including test procedures, has been used by courts in deciding cases related to unfair employment practices?

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

Federal Employment Best Practices

Core Evaluation and Selection Inventories

Federal Employee Selection Best Practice Framework

2. In the __________ stage of the training process, the content and resources that meet the goals and objectives set in the training's design stage are determined and addressed.

training development

training delivery

training design

training transfer

3. What type of development is reflected when self-managed teams designate a leader for each project assigned to the team, who will then return to being a member of the team when the project is over?


Temporary transfers

Professional development

International assignments

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the aspects on which the selection criteria should be based?

HR planning results

Job analysis results

Job design results

Compensation and benefits

5. Which of the following is NOT a major reason that selection is crucial to an organization?

Corporate goals cannot be achieved without qualified employees.

Most applicants are overqualified based on their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

A good fit must be found between the employee's academic and technical knowledge, personality, and interpersonal skills in order to ensure success.

Careful selection helps avoid difficulties that cannot be rectified later on.

6. The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission was established to enforce:

Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

7. Making sexual comments and displaying inappropriate posters in the workplace are examples of:

a hostile work environment.

a quid pro quo.

gender discrimination.

reverse discrimination.

8. The __________ stage of the training process involves assessment through evaluating performance at the individual and organizational levels, and identifying any gaps between the required and the current competencies that might hinder the organization's progress.

Training needs assessment

Training evaluation

Performance appraisal

Job analysis

9. Which of the following does NOT apply to flextime, job sharing, and telecommuting?

They are mandatory.

They are flexible work arrangements.

They are voluntary benefits.

They can facilitate work-life balance.

10. Which of the following is NOT a data source for job analysis?



U.S. Department of Defense

Computerized systems

11. Which of the following is NOT used to determine whether a job function is one that an individual with a disability is required to perform, with or without accommodation?

Whether it is an essential function or a marginal function.

How significant the task is, compared to other functions.

How frequently the task is performed.

Whether it is a Bona Fide Occupational Qualification.

12. Which of the following employment laws is the oldest?

The Equal Pay Act (EPA)

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act

13. Which process has the goal of identifying applicants who fit the organizational culture and possess the most influential qualities required by the job?

HR planning


Job analysis


14. Which of the following types of training will be the least beneficial for employees who do not possess good computer skills or self-motivation?


Employee initiated



15. Which of the following is most likely to influence an employer's decision to allow flexible work schedules?

The employee's needs.

The employer's desire to retain workers.

The employer's perceived cost savings.

The Fair Labor Standards Act.

16. In which of the following are employees most likely to become fatigued because of the longer workdays?


Compressed work weeks


Job sharing

17. Which type of training might be a better option when the goal is to develop new skills and prepare employees for future responsibilities, challenges, or positions?

Off-site training

On-the-job training

On-site training

Professional certification

18. The illegal practice of hiring less qualified employees because they belong to a group that is underrepresented is often called:

affirmative action.

reverse discrimination.

disaffirmative action.

hiring quota.

19. Which of the following is NOT among the challenges and recent developments in benefits and benefits administration?

The costs of benefits are rising.

Younger workers see flexible work arrangements and opportunities to give back to their community as more important than pay.

Benefits and benefits administration are being outsourced.

One in ten single-parent households is headed by the father.

20. Which training evaluation method accounts for the Hawthorne effect, and is useful in comparing alternative types of training?

Post measurement

Post measurement with a control group

Pre-/post-measurement with a control group

Pre/post measurement

21. Considering the changes impacting many different industries, some companies are forced or eager to operate at a global level. Please discuss some implications and challenges globalization presents to HR professionals within a particular industry of your choice. Provide industry-specific examples portraying your understanding of global challenges HR teams may face within that particular arena.

22. Mr. Jagger is the manager for Quick Express Ltd. This small company provides courier service to local businesses in the East Metro. The company is experiencing a 30% increase in their customer base. Mr. Jagger is faced with the challenge of hiring more employees to accommodate this large increase in growth. He is a fairly new manager and has concerns about his limited knowledge of recruitment methods and staffing practices.

What steps should Mr. Jagger take to make sure he hires the right people for the company?

23. While many organizations are sold on the idea that strategic HRM adds value, a much smaller percentage acts on that belief (see the "Eye on the Goal" feature in chapter 1 of the text for a more detailed discussion of this point). However, HR is sometimes to blame for the doubts and suspicions that organizational decision makers have about the contributions of human assets to the bottom line. Strategic HR planning is at the core of the much-needed changes and developments in the new HR paradigm.

Address the following:

• Define the current predominant paradigm for HR.

• Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current paradigm. (At least 3 each)

• What is the new paradigm for HR?

• In what ways does this new paradigm help organizations realize a human-based competitive advantage? (Offer 2-3 ways. Be specific.)

• What are some practical steps for HR to transform itself and enhance its contributions to organizational success and effectiveness?

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HR Management: What framework for determining the proper use of selection
Reference No:- TGS02742014

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