Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each text box will expand to accommodate your answer no matter how long it is. Once complete, remember to save your work.
Refer to the diagram for the following questions.
1: What is the length of the hypotenuse?
2: What formula is needed to find the angle of Y?
3: What formula is used to find the angle of X?
4: What is the angle of Y?
5: What is the angle of X?
6: How many degrees are in a complete sine wave?
7: What is the RMS value of a sine wave with a peak to peak value of 1000 volts?
8: What is the peak value of sine wave with an RMS value of 240 volts?
9: What is the Average value of a sine wave?
10: In a purely resistive AC circuit what is the relationship between voltage and current?