
What formal or stylistic choices the writers make to produce


So far this semester, we have read texts with a variety of different types of endings, ranging from happy to tragic to triumphant to ironic. In your paper, you should have two texts we have read so far this semester The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and Maggie: A Girl of the Streets by Stephen Crane. Construct an argument that compares the choices that the writers make in how they end their texts. What is at stake in the choices made in the closing moments of these texts? What are the writers doing to move the reader emotionally? Make sure to get specific, and dig into particular moments, passages, and phrases that are especially important in creating the emotional resonance of these finales. You might also want to consider and compare what message the writers want the reader to take away from their distinct endings, and similarly, you should make sure to articulate what formal or stylistic choices the writers make to produce the tone or mood of their endings.

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English: What formal or stylistic choices the writers make to produce
Reference No:- TGS03242668

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