What formal and informal will be used to evaluate students

Assignment task:

Looking for a 30 minute lesson idea for a second grade social studies lesson. The lesson should focus on what is a map and how to read a map. One student in the class has autism and has a full time helper. Please include: * Goals/objectives: What are the specific goals that are aligned with the standards for the lesson? *Academic Language: What content-specific vocabulary terms are used in the lesson? How will students use language in the lesson? *Prior Knowledge- what knowledge, skills, and abilities do the students have, or need to have, to be successful in this lesson? *Materials: What materials and instructional resources are needed for the teacher and students? *Instruction: What will you and the students be doing? Detail step-by-step procedures. Classroom Arrangement/Grouping: How will the classroom be set up for this lesson to influence a positive learning environment? How will you engage the whole class, groups of students with similar needs, individual students, and students with exceptional learning needs (e.g., lEPs or 504 plans, gifted/talented)? *Practice and application: How will students practice and apply what they have learned *closing- How will you end the lesson (e.g., j culminating activity or task)? *Assessment- what formal and informal will be used to evaluate students? How will you know if the students attained what you expected?

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Other Subject: What formal and informal will be used to evaluate students
Reference No:- TGS03385825

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