
What form of organizational configuration fits starbucks

Case Study: Starbucks' Structure. Review the case study found in  of your text titled

"Starbucks' Structure" and write a paper that answers the four case study questions listed below in narrative form using APA format. Provide supporting rationale into your responses to the case study questions. Infuse vocabulary learned from the course in your case study analysis. The case analysis should be three to four pages long, excluding title and reference pages, with at least two references.

a. Create a job description and job specification for a Starbucks employee. Do not simply copy and paste the job description from the Starbucks' website or any other source. The Starbucks site can be utilized to view the different job requirements of employees, but the intent of the assignment is to apply job specification concepts from the book to this case. Cite any references.

b. What form of departmentalization should Starbucks use? Should the form be changed in stores offering food products and lunch? Why or why not?

c. When the company begins to experience financial problems, should the leadership try to centralize power and decision-making or decentralize the operation?

d. What form of organizational configuration best fits Starbucks?

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Marketing Management: What form of organizational configuration fits starbucks
Reference No:- TGS01775358

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