
What follow-up would be recommended


When treatment is initiated, what follow-up would be recommended, when and why? Boanam is a 34yo woman from Laos Case Boanam has no significant medical history She emigrated to the US 4 weeks ago; she denies ETOH tobacco/other drugs (ATOD) Medications: none Mrs. Abajo presents today for her first primary care visit in the United States. She is overall well. She does complain of fatigue but getting to the United States has been a long road. On exam, heart sounds S1 S2 without murmurs or extra sounds, lungs clear to auscultation, BS present in all four quadrants without hepatomegaly, but questionable splenomegaly; no peripheral edema; pulses intact and = bilateral Skin: without rashes or lesions = there is a slight yellow tinge in sclera but she says that she has always looked like that and it's normal for her Neuro - intact abs CBC HbG - 8.9 g/dL RBC count - 5.2 million/uL Hematocrit 26.9% MCV - 70 CMP eGFR - normal Electrolytes normal Protein, Total - 7.1g/dL (6.1- 8.1) Albumin - 4.2g/dL (3.6-5.1) AST, ALT, AlkPhos are within normal limits Total Bilirubin 3.1mg/dL (0.2- 1.9) Direct Bilirubin 0.2mg/dL (0.1- 0.4) Next

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Reference No:- TGS03422805

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