What fertility problems might have janna and matt had

Problem: Janna and Matt were both professionals: Janna was a lawyer, and Matt was an architect. They married in their early to mid-30s and were in no hurry to have children because they were so busy and because their professional lives were so fulfilling. After they had been married about 5 years, they decided that it was finally time to start a family. They had a nice home that Matt had designed and a good investment program so that Janna might not have to work full-time at her law practice, but instead might be able to stay at home with a child. They had it all planned out. Janna would work part-time and stay home as much as possible with the two children that they would have; when they entered school, she would go back into her career full-time. When they decided to start their family, Janna was 37 and Matt was 39. Things didn't work out as they had planned: Janna didn't become easily pregnant. Look at the following Web sites about infertility and infertility treatments:

  • Love to Know.
  • Infertility Resources.
  • Shady Grove Fertility.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Reproductive Health.

What fertility problems might have Janna and Matt had?

Choose one issue as the reason and then provide the compensating treatment for that issue.

Carefully explain the reason you have chosen for the difficulty, and give all the pros and cons of the treatment you have suggested.

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Reference No:- TGS03364096

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