
What federal policies governed treatment of the chosen

The Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the active participation of students and the instructor to create robust interaction and dialogue. Every student is expected to create an original response to the open-ended DB question as well as engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the week. At the end of each unit, DB participation will be assessed based on both level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion.

At a minimum, each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question and contribute to the weekly dialogue by responding to at least two other posts from students. The first contribution must be posted before midnight (Central Time) on Wednesday of each week. Two additional responses are required after Wednesday of each week. Students are highly encouraged to engage on the Discussion Board early and often, as that is the primary way the university tracks class attendance and participation.

The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit.

Discussion Board Assignment

How would the spirit of Manifest Destiny guide the destiny of hundreds of Native American cultures on the Great Plain and West of the Great Plains? For this discussion, please choose 1 Native American tribe residing within the continental United States (lower 48 states) at the time of westward expansion. Please post a discussion that will describe the impact of Westward Expansion upon the chosen Native culture of the Great Plains and western tribes. What Federal policies governed treatment of Native groups, and what issues gave rise to the Great Plain Wars? Make sure that ample historical records exist for the chosen tribe. Some tribes are not well-documented in the existing historical record.

Use these 5 guidelines to format your response:

Paragraph 1

• Choose 1 Native American group. How was this tribe impacted by Westward Expansion?

Paragraph 2

• What Federal policies governed treatment of the chosen Native groups?

Paragraph 3

• Were there external factors which impacted Westward Expansion?

Paragraph 4

• Describe the tribe's historical outcome, including major events and armed conflicts during and after westward expansion and what may have been important to the history of the tribe in the present day.

Paragraph 5

• Explain the history of at least 1 historical figure of the chosen tribe and events surrounding that individual's life.

Respond to at least 2 or more of your classmates' Discussion Board postings. Be sure to respond to your classmates' postings with substantive and respectful responses.

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Dissertation: What federal policies governed treatment of the chosen
Reference No:- TGS01655278

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