
What fan power is required to provide flow

Air is constantly being recirculated throughout the ME Building. In the summer that air is also cooled, using chilled water supplied by the South Power Plant. A schematic of such a system is shown below, along with photographs of actual hardware housed in the ME Building (its location is top secret).

Consider first air flowing through the fan/blower. It enters the fan from a plenum, where its velocity is essentially zero, and exits into a rectangular duct whose dimensions are 24 times 36 inches. The target flow rate is 800 scfm (scfm - standard cubic feet per minute, with standard implying 77 F and 1 standard atm). While flowing through the blower the air temperature can be approximated as constant; the pressure rises by 2 inches of water.

What is the air velocity in the duct? Report your answer in ft/s.

What is the air mass flow rate in lb m/sec?

What fan power is required to provide this flow?

Report your answer in hp. If the fan is 90 % efficient, what motor power is required? Again, report your answer in hp.

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Mechanical Engineering: What fan power is required to provide flow
Reference No:- TGS0709226

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