
what famous brand name products do you think have

What famous brand name products do you think have failed

Any other OTA knowledgeable in this area of expertise can answer. I need an expert in marketing who can use marketing theory to answer these 2 questions. For example, is your answer based on the product being in a "pure competition" state, or in the maturity phase of its cycle causing diminishing margins, or whatever the "theory" behind the situation supporting your answer might be? I am looking for someone who can write the answers IN HIS/HER OWN WORDS- (if you can't write the answers in your own words, please don't accept the assignment):

Please answer the following questions writing between 200 to 300 words to each questions.

1. What famous "brand name" products do you think have failed? Why do you think this happened? What might have been done to correct the problem? If you have a personal experience with this within your own company, be sure to use this as your example.

2. Find some of the ways that a firm can raise money to support a new marketing plan. Give the advantages and limitations of each approach?

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Business Management: what famous brand name products do you think have
Reference No:- TGS0473685

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