
What factual evidence can be presented to support the level

According to an article in "Human Resource Management, Seventh Edition" by Lloyd Byars, managers must be careful not to introduce errors into staff rating because an employee could become promoted or demoted based on the untrue or biased information. For example, it could be considered unethical to give an employee a low rating due to personal differences unrelated to the employee's work performance. Other potentially unethical sources of error include leniency (being overly forgiving when scoring), central tendency (rating everyone towards the middle rank), recency (rating based on only the most recent events) and the halo effect (ranking all traits as positive because of one positive characteristic). To ensure not to introduce errors, which type of performance measurement would you recommend for use in your organization, an "Objective" or "Judgmental" measurement and why? Also, how will the performance measurement you selected reduce errors? To clarify: An Objective Performance Measurement (OPM) is usually a quantitative count of the result of work such as sales volume, complaint letters, and output. In other words, what factual evidence can be presented to support the level of performance?

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HR Management: What factual evidence can be presented to support the level
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