
What factors should be considered


In New York State, child support is based on a formula that requires the non-custodial parent to pay support based upon a percentage of income depending upon the number of children as follows:

17% of adjusted gross income for one child
25% of adjusted gross income for two children
29% of adjusted gross income for three children
31% of adjusted gross income for four children
35% or more of adjusted gross income for five or more children

This amount is applied to the first one-hundred and forty eight thousand dollars of combined parental income and the application of the percentages to amounts over one-hundred forty eight thousand dollars is at the discretion of the judge or support magistrate.

• Do think that the application of these percentages is fair? State why or why not.

• Do you think that these percentages should routinely be applied when the combined parental income of the parties is over one-hundred forty eight thousand dollars? State why or why not?

• If you do think that these percentages should routinely be applied when the combined parental income of the parties is over one-hundred forty eight thousand dollars, what factors should be considered?

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Reference No:- TGS03261454

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