
What factors make the job of public defenders difficult


1. Why are police considered to have the widest discretion in the juvenile justice system? What factors reduce police officer discretion?

2. What difficulty do police face when working in areas of high crime?

3. Know what the school to prison pipeline is.

4. Know the problems with stationhouse adjustments.

5. What juvenile court actor in the juvenile justice system has unreviewable discretion?

6. What factors allow prosecutors great discretionary power in the juvenile justice system?

7. What factors make the job of public defenders difficult?

8. Why does the juvenile court judge have more power than a judge in the adult system?

9. Know the differences between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention and be able to identify examples of each.

10. Know the differences between prevention and diversion

11. What is net-widening?

12. How is territorial jealousy related to the juvenile justice system and what are some of the negative outcomes?

13. Why is the education system important in delinquency prevention and juvenile justice diversion?

14. Who are the primary stakeholders in a restorative justice model?

15. What is the focus of restorative justice?

16. What are the guiding factors of a dispositional hearing?

17. What are bifurcated trials and why are they important in juvenile justice?

18. What is the most commonly used sanction in juvenile justice?

19. What is the purpose of probation?

20. What do People v Dominguez and Jones v Commonwealth have in common?

21. Know the difference between a technical violation and a new offense.

22. What are the rights of a juvenile regarding probation revocation?

23. What sanction can a probation revocation hearing can result in?

24. What is the most severe dispositional alternative for a juvenile?

25. What negative aspects are associated with out-of-home placement in juvenile correctional facilities?

26. What is the goal of the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative (JDAI)?

27. Has juvenile crime increased, decreased, or stayed the same since the 1980s?

28. What is the most common weapon used in juvenile homicide?

29. What U.S. Supreme Court case made it unconstitutional to apply the death penalty to offenders younger than 18 at the time of the offense?

30. What factors were considered/impacted the decision to eliminate juvenile death penalty?

31. How did a case regarding execution of the mentally retarded (Atkins v VA) lay the foundation for Roper v Simmons?

32. What was decided in Miller v Alabama and Jackson v Hobbs?

33. What is the youngest age a juvenile in Texas be tried as an adult for capital murder?

34. What is the mandatory minimum for capital murder committed by a juvenile in Texas? What are the assumptions of the juvenile justice system?

35. What is solitary confinement? How often is it used for juveniles? What are the problems with solitary confinement of juveniles?

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