Before you begin this discussion, be sure that you have read the assigned Module 1 readings. In addition, be sure to view the following video:
History of Management(Attached)
At the time of when these videos were made, there was a great influx of immigrants to the United States. When viewing these videos, keep in mind the following questions. This will help you participate better in the discussion:
Is there a relationship between the type of work that employees perform and the way in which they are managed?
Is there a difference in how managers treat workers from various countries?
What factors influence the relationship between managers and workers?
Is there a consistency over time in what managers do?
In this discussion, you will examine the factors that influence management activities. Consider your own views of management. Do you think managers are essential? Do you think they contribute any real value?
Once you have viewed the videos, respond to the following:
What factors influence the relationship between managers and workers then and now?
What do you think has stayed the same and what has changed? Support your responses with examples.
APA style, sited and references please.
Attachment:- History of Management.rar