
What factors influence nutritional problem of your community

Assignment task:  Make sure you add more than 2 references and citations to each question in the answer itself (article title, year).

For example: (According to the US Census, more than 25 percent of Pima County residents who are 25 years old and older lack a high school diploma (Usdatagov, 2022).) Can you answer the questions like this style and put the cite in the questions like that.

Please Use Only CDC, WHO Articals

Q1. What factors influence the nutritional problem of your community assessment population Group: Female (Ages 20-29) Pima County?

Q2. How the target population's nutritional health status relates to environmental and social characteristics (Group: Female, Ages 20-29 Pima County)

Key finding 1:

Key finding 2:

Key finding 3:

Key finding 4:

Please explain and put citation for each key finding

3. Is your target population at risk for future health problems? What potential problems? How severe? (Group: Female, Ages 20-29 Pima County)

4. Describe the interaction between the target population's health status and that of the surrounding community.(Group: Female ,Ages 20-29 Pima County)

 Also, the source of your information need to citied in the end, with the link

No more than 4 sources has need to use to answer the questions.

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Other Subject: What factors influence nutritional problem of your community
Reference No:- TGS03314982

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