
What factors considered when choosing a celebrity endorser


A. What factors should be considered when choosing a celebrity endorser? List and briefly describe at least 3 with Q-scores being one of the 3.

B. What is source attractiveness? Why might the attractiveness of the source of message be different for you, your parents or grandparents? What makes a source attractive in marketing messaging to the individual? Give an example of a "source " attractive to you that might not be so with your parents or grandparents.

C. Source credibility is extremely important in marketing. Define both Expertise and trustworthiness giving an example of a real-life marketing message that is an example of both. You can include a link to the message or imbed the message into your answer if possible. Expertise : Trustworthiness:

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Marketing Management: What factors considered when choosing a celebrity endorser
Reference No:- TGS03243744

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